Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG
Königstraße 80
90402 Nuremberg
Telefon (09 11) 24 05-0
Telefax (09 11) 22 74 32
Private limited company
Hotel VICTORIA Verwaltungs GmbH
Managing director
Sabine Powels, MBA (FH)
VAT ID: DE133497991
Registered court: Nuremberg HRB 9136
Court of jurisdiction: Nuremberg court
Supervisory authority: Nuremberg Office of Public Order
Concept, Design und Programming
* von der Grafschaft
Markus Straub-Lezius, Markus Steinmetz, Alexander Schneider, Isabel Kerp, David Hartfiel, Torsten Hönig, Hotel Victoria, rot © Swetlana Wall - // wedding-poster © Andree Wendel -
Legal Information
Responsible for the content (§ 10 passage 3 MDStV):
Sabine Powels (address see above)
The Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG continually does its utmost to ensure the information contained within this website is both accurate and up to date. Nonetheless, Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG accepts no liability and makes no guarantees for the validity, accuracy or completeness of the information available.
The Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG, is not liable for any direct or indirect damages incurred as a result of, or in connection with information contained within this website.
The Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG, reserves the right to modify the available website content at its discretion and without prior notice.
All content, including but not limited to text and images, made available on the HOTEL VICTORIA website is and remains - unless otherwise stated - the copyrighted/intellectual property of the Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG. Any duplication, distribution, storage, sending, reproduction or transmission of content for commercial purposes without prior written permission from the Hotel VICTORIA Theodor Schuler GmbH & Co. KG is strictly forbidden.
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Privacy Officer: DataCo GmbH, Nymphenburger Str. 86, 80636 München